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Custom Blended Herbal Formulas

herbal formulaCustom herbal blends are used as the main herbal treatment in most Ayurvedic protocols.  Each herb in the formula is specifically prescribed for an issue you are currently working with, and therefore will be much more powerful than any pre-blended formula.  Whether you are a current client or just have a blend that you need made up, Svastha Ayurveda offers over 100 organic Ayurvedic herbs to include in your formula.  Discover the powerful effects of herbs working in synergy just for you! 

Benefits of a Custom Herbal Blend:
  • Individually prescribed for you and your specific needs
  • Works on multiple issues in a single formula (i.e. one formula may focus on anxiety, arthritis, digestive issues and weight-loss) allowing you to take less supplements
  • Taking herbs together enhances their effects, as herbs work best synergistically
  • Formulas offer a balancing effect, as some herbs can be too cooling, heating, or harsh to take on their own

If you are new to Ayurveda and are looking to have an herbal formula created for your current health issues, schedule a 45 minute herbal consult today!

Common Issues Addressed:
  • Digestive disorders
  • Detoxification and cleansing
  • Weight loss
  • High cholesterol; high blood pressure
  • Inflammation
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Hormonal balance
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Impotence; low libido
  • Arthritis
  • Acne, eczema and psoriasis
  • Anxiety and depression 
  • Insomnia and sleep issues
  • Low energy and chronic fatigue
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Liver issues
  • Asthma
  • Anti-aging and rejuvenation
  • Dosha imbalances (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

If you are new to Ayurveda and are looking to have an herbal formula created for your current health issues, schedule a 45 minute herbal consult today

If you are not a current client at Svastha Ayurveda, but have a formula you need blended for you, please specify the herbs needed, in the “notes” section of the check out.  Otherwise, feel free to send the formula ingredients to me directly through my contact page.


  • 1 month formula: $35
  • 2 month formula: $65
  • 3 month formula: $90 

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Schedule an Ayurvedic Herbal Consult today!