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Thank you for your order with us at Svastha Ayurveda! Each and every order is greatly appreciated and we hope to provide you the best care and service available. If you have questions or concerns with your products, feel free to contact us at anytime! You will receive an order confirmation from us shortly. Please check your spam or promotions folders, as many of our emails end up in these boxes. All orders are shipped out within 24 to 48 business hours from the time of order. Once your order is shipped out, you will receive the tracking information for your...
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Blog Post
The ancient texts of Ayurveda may not speak directly of the microbiome; however, it is undeniable that its importance is observed, as our microbiome is an interwoven aspect of our Agni or digestive fire. They are so related, in fact, that if you are experiencing ongoing digestive issues, it is likely some level of dysbiosis (imbalance in your gut flora) is occurring. Alternatively, a healthy, balanced, and robust digestion is a fairly clear sign of a healthy and harmonious microbiome. What is the microbiome? The microbiome is the term for the trillions of microbes that live on and...
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Blog Post
Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle no matter what your age, weight, health goals, or dosha type may be. Ideally, your routine should include a minimum of 30 minutes of “intentional movement” each and every day. However, just as your diet can either create balance or wreak havoc on your system, your exercise regimen can have the same effects. Therefore it is essential to know what your body-type is (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha), as well as any imbalance in your system to discover the best exercises for you and your current needs. This will help you choose...
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Blog Post
Dear Ask Ayurveda, I am a Pitta-Vata individual, although I seem to be dealing with all three doshas out of balance at the moment. With the transition into fall each year I struggle with severe constipation. I believe my Vata becomes increased, which then increases Pitta both in the mind (which leaves me angry and irritated) and in the colon (which dries it out and leads to constipation). My first thought is to try to cool down my Pitta, but this ends up increasing my Kapha and causing a slow digestion, slow metabolism, and weight gain in my lower body. ...
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Blog Post
Dear Ask Ayurveda, I was hoping you could talk to us a little about how to balance BOTH Vata and Pitta at the same time. This is particularly tricky for me as my constitution is almost 50/50. If I am feeling Pitta aggravated and I follow the traditional cooling food/lifestyle recommended for Pitta, sometimes it will go too far and I will then become Vata aggravated. My Pitta friends tell me they struggle with this as well. Western culture can be so Vata aggravating with too much computer, video, travel... They are often dealing with Vata aggravation, even though their...
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Blog Post
Dear Ask Ayurveda, I am a relatively healthy man in my early 40’s. I eat well, hold an active job and overall feel pretty good most of the time. Although I am fairly health conscious, I have been dealing with this issue of constipation for as long as I can remember. I began to improve my diet in my mid 30’s but the irregularity still continues. It has gotten to the point that I typically miss 2-3 days each week. The days that I can go to the bathroom, it is a lot of work with little reward. I...
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Blog Post
Dear Ask Ayurveda, "I am a busy mom from New York. Last summer, I had struggled to try to stay in balance but I seemed to become very irritable (ask my kids!), as my inner "fire" seemed to get a bit out of control due to the hot weather. Despite the excessive heat and irritation, I also suffer from having a low digestive fire and slow metabolism. How can I go about increasing my digestive fire without adding a lot of heat to my body during these hot summer months? Do you have any recommendations or products for increasing the digestion...
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Blog Post
If you feel like you are struggling to get through your days, you may need to revise your breakfast menu. Although Ayurveda states that lunch should be your largest meal, it is equally important to eat a healthy and nourishing breakfast to fuel you for the day. By feeding your body the proper nutrition each morning, you can sustain and stabilize your energy, appetite, and mood—no matter what the day may bring! With our busy mornings and non-stop schedules, breakfast can easily become a protein bar, bagel, bowl of cereal, piece of fruit, cup of coffee, or simply forgotten altogether. ...
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Blog Post
Here is a twist on our original Rejuvenating Ojas Drink that has been created with a strong focus on female health. This delicious drink recipe will provide women nourishment at any stage of life as the ingredients will benefit everything from fertility, libido, menstrual irregularities, PMS, menopausal symptoms, bladder health, pregnancy, lactation, and postpartum. Due to the large amount of Ojas-increasing ingredients, this recipe is a female essential for increasing energy, immunity, and overall vitality! This female tonic is filled with a wide variety of healing properties to nurture a woman’s needs and can be enjoyed routinely. It is filled...
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Blog Post
This recipe truly needs to come with a warning to the wise - it is seriously addicting!! What is not to love about healthy, antioxidant-rich, whole food ingredients coming together to make our most favorite of indulgences, CHOCOLATE! With only a handful of simple ingredients and 10 minutes of prep time, you may have to put that Hershey’s bar away and make this homemade, nutritious, delicious, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate a part of your life. Chocolate is stated to be provoking to all three of the doshas, as it is heating for Pitta, stimulating for Vata (and the nervous system), and...
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