Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphate are our bodies forms of energy and fuel. In times of dehydration, excessive heat, heavy sweating and intense exercise, our bodies... read more →
Guduchi is a widely used herb in the world of Ayurveda and for great reason. This nourishing herb is also known as “Amrita” meaning Divine Nectar. Guduchi is a well... read more →
Ask Ayurveda, “When someone has an aggravated Dosha (or an imbalance in the body), why do they still have no urges or cravings toward changing behavior or diet in order to... read more →
Herbal remedies are a must during travel to keep both the mind and the body in balance. When traveling, Vata dosha often increases, leading to sleep issues, constipation, weakened immunity, low... read more →
Dear Ask Ayurveda, "I am a 50 year old female. Although I have been in relatively good shape my entire life, in the past 2 years I have gained 15... read more →
Ayurveda does not always advocate the use of raw foods (especially for Vata types); however, in the right context and with the proper ingredients, any meal made with whole food... read more →
According to Ayurveda, we have access to six different tastes in our food, drinks, and herbal medicine. These tastes include Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent (spicy), Bitter, and Astringent. It is... read more →
Castor oil has a wide range of uses, both internally and externally. Castor oil holds a strong place in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, as well as many other ancient medical sciences. ... read more →
As a societal norm and American obsession, the topic on caffeine in regards to our health can be a loaded subject. The US has been reported as the highest consumer... read more →
As an Ayurvedic herbalist, if someone comes to me with a liver issue, the first thing I think of is Kutki (aka Katuka). Kutki not only detoxifies the liver and... read more →