Ayurvedic Effects
- Neutral Virya (not heating, not cooling)
- Vata ↓*
- Pitta ↓
- Kapha ↓
*May increase Vata in excess.
Should not be used during pregnancy, while breastfeeding or with children below the age of 16.
General Directions
For general use, take 3-5 dropper fulls in a half-cup of warm water 30 minutes before each meal. This dosage should be taken regularly for at least 30 days or until symptoms have subsided.
For more severe liver disorders, increase this dosage to 5-7 dropper fulls in a half-cup of warm water 30 minutes before each meal. This dosage should be taken regularly for 30 days. If treatment is still needed after this time period, continue to take at the reduced dosage of 3-5 dropper fulls, three times daily.
Neem*, Amalaki*, Guduchi*, Kutki*, Haridra* (Turmeric*), Bhringaraj*, Bhumyamalaki*, Daruharidra*, Pippali* (Indian Long Pepper*); extracted in Brandy
*Organic Ingredients
jerome –
The Liver Tincture is soothing when mixed with clean warm water early in the day. In this way it seems to enhance the qualities of other formulas. I have enjoyed the calming and cleansing benefits from Daily Detox for two months, then more so over the past two weeks after adding Liver Tincture. I have mixed these two formulas for convenience and have also taken the tincture first. Liver Tincture seems like a nice primer for the whole herbs to work even better. Thank You!
joshua barr –
I absolutely Love having this combination of herbs in an extract form. I’m switching all go my patients over to this. The tincture is so much easier then powdered or tablets and is way more effect and quicker at detoxing the liver!