Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle no matter what your age, weight, health goals, or dosha type may be. Ideally, your routine should include a minimum of... read more →
Eating for your personal needs may begin with eating for your dosha type, but it doesn’t end there. Eating a diet that fits the needs of the season is equally... read more →
One of the best spices for keeping cool in the hot seasons, or any time Pitta is running high, is the simple, but mighty fennel seed. This easy-to-make tea infusion... read more →
When it comes to healthy weight loss with lasting effects, Ayurveda holds great secrets to accomplishing your goal. By using this ancient wisdom and making the proper changes to your... read more →
With the vast amount of wisdom that makes up Ayurvedic medicine, it is not too surprising that there are multiple guidelines when it comes to the “when”, “how” and “how... read more →
In the world of Ayurveda, there is nothing more important to our health and wellbeing than our digestion. The digestive fire, known as Agni, is so important that ALL toxins... read more →
In Ayurveda, we give a great deal of emphasis on avoiding the intake of improper food combinations. In fact, this unhealthy habit is said to be one of the main... read more →
Although I think we all have experienced the advantages of a good night’s rest, and alternatively, the aggravations of a poor one; what are the specific health benefits of proper... read more →
Our liver is one of the most vital organs of the body, as it plays a key role in our digestion; regulates cholesterol and hormone levels; metabolizes fats, proteins, and... read more →
An Indian pickle is far from the cucumber-based snack that most Americans think of when we hear the word "pickle". Instead, it is a culinary staple that complements most savory... read more →