Although quinoa is technically a seed, it is known as a pseudo-grain due to it light and fluffy nature. Quinoa is a great nutrient-rich alternative when you want a... read more →
Ayurveda is based on the concept that we are all unique individuals with unique needs. Although there are 3 main body types (i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha) listed to help guide... read more →
Honey is considered amrita or healing nectar in the eyes of Ayurveda. With its long list of health benefits and unparalleled healing potential, honey has been used as both food... read more →
Black eyed peas are an amazing protein-packed addition to any healthy diet as they possess a wide range of plant-based nutrients and consequently a wealth of health benefits. Unfortunately there... read more →
Spring is beginning to blossom as winter comes to an end. Kapha dosha is officially at its climax with colds, cough, congestion, and seasonal allergies becoming more and more prevalent... read more →
Breakfast is an essential part of our morning routine as it is one of the main building blocks that lays the foundation for our day. A healthy breakfast should be... read more →
With the New Year around the corner, I thought I would share the most powerful and effective herbs I have used with my clients trying to lose weight. With an... read more →
If you have not heard of chana dal before, it is the chick pea (garbanzo bean), split in half with the skin removed. This recipe blends chana dal along with... read more →
Although I love garbanzo beans in many forms, hummus is one of my favorites during the spring and summer months. With so many recipes out there from savory to sweet,... read more →
Kapala Bhati sometimes referred to as the “breath of fire” (although literally translated as “skull shining” breath), is known for just this- its ability to increase the Agni (digestion) in... read more →