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3-Day Quinoa Kitchari Cleanse Kit

3-Day Quinoa Kitchari Cleanse Kit

(2 customer reviews)


Kitchari cleanses have been performed for many years in Ayurvedic medicine.  Making kitchari with quinoa instead of basmati rice tends to be better for Kapha types, during times of weight loss, or for anyone that does not digest white rice well.  Performing kitchari cleanses routinely will support healthy digestion, elimination, energy, and weight levels while alleviating many healthcare issues.

*This kit provides 3 days (9 servings) worth of the Cleansing Quinoa Kitchari ingredients (plus extra ghee and spices) to ease you through your cleanse.


  • Perfect for Kapha types, or any individual that does not digest white rice well (quinoa is tridoshic and suitable for all dosha types)
  • Contains less carbohydrates and more protein and fiber than traditional kitchari ingredients
  • Cleanses and detoxifies the system
  • Supports healthy digestion and metabolism
  • Beneficial program for weight loss
  • Alleviates digestive imbalances such as hyperacidity, gas, bloating, and inflammatory conditions in the GI tract
  • Promotes healthy elimination
  • Improves energy levels post-cleanse
  • Improves clarity, intellect, memory, and emotional balance
  • Annual, biannual, or seasonal kitchari cleanses help to reset the body and mind routinely
  • Kitchari can be eaten as a nutrient-rich, healing staple in the diet indefinitely


  • 3 cups of organic mung dal (1.4 pounds)*
  • 2 cups of organic quinoa (about 1 pound)*
  • 8-ounce jar of handcrafted organic ghee
  • 2-ounce bag of freshly crafted kitchari spice blend of choice
  • Cleansing Quinoa Kitchari recipe
  • Cleansing Quinoa and Dal recipe
  • Tips on how to get the most from your cleanse
  • Tips on how to come off of your cleanse
  • Cleansing herbal tea recipes (ingredients not included)
  • Post-cleanse recipes

*This amount of mung dal and quinoa will provide 9 – two cup servings of quinoa kitchari for breakfast, lunch, and dinner during a 3 day cleanse.

Ayurvedic Effects

  • Tridoshic ingredients
  • Vata ↓
  • Pitta ↓
  • Kapha ↓


Cleanses of any kind should be avoided during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, or during menstruation.  Other times to avoid major cleanses would be during illness, directly after illness, during times of weakness, during times of high anxiety or insomnia, during times of extreme emotional stress (divorce, death, major life change, etc), or during times of general high stress (job, move, major life change, etc).

If you have a severe health condition or are on prescription medication, please contact your doctor before starting any cleanse.

2 reviews for 3-Day Quinoa Kitchari Cleanse Kit

  1. Anne M.

    I really enjoyed getting this kit as a gift from a good friend who turned me on to Ayurveda. I was going through a stressful time with the “shelter in place” orders when a couple of my college age kids moved back in with me. While I was happy we could all be together it felt a bit crowded at times. I started eating more junk food and sweets. This lead to some digestive issues, mostly gas and constipation, and some unwanted weight gain. I really needed to start over! This kit was perfect!! It included very clear instructions on how to prepare for the cleanse as well as how to go through and follow up effectively. I just finished and found that three days was perfect for me. I feel recharged and recalibrated. I am not craving junk food and only have one cup of coffee a day. Then I switch to Danielle’s Om Shanti tea to sip on for the rest of the day. I really enjoyed the quinoa, something I had never tried. It was so easy to have the pot of kitchari to draw off and not to worry about what to make for those three days. I would definitely recommend!

  2. Carol Kellogg

    This kit included such beautifully detailed instructions! The ingredients were superior quality, abs packaged very carefully so as not to break or spill. I am thankful for the many recipes too, and the best tasting ghee I’ve ever had (I’ve tried many)! Will reorder very soon! I’m telling everyone about your company! Thank you for doing such an excellent job, and prices are very good too!

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