Shirodhara is the Ayurvedic treatment that involves pouring a steady stream of warm oil over the center point of the forehead (the “third eye” center). It is a powerful and effective treatment for just about any nervous system disorder, mental imbalance or emotional disruption. Although this treatment is unique and incomparable in its ability to heal these issues, it can often be expensive and inaccessible to many individuals. Luckily there is a much more affordable and accessible option with Picchu, the do-it-yourself Shirodhara treatment!
Shirodhara is often applied during times of cleanses (such as Panchakarma) or used as a therapy to treat a wide range of imbalances, mostly of the mind. Shirodhara has been proven successful in the treatment of many disorders including insomnia, anxiety, depression, severe emotional trauma, deep-seated emotional repression, chronic stress, PTSD, addiction, ADHD, memory loss and chronic migraines.
When performing Shirodhara the oil is slowly poured over the third eye point in the center of the forehead. This is known as the Ajna Marma (sometimes called Sthapni Marma) point in Ayurvedic medicine. The application of the warm oil on this marma point enhances cerebral circulation improving memory, intellect, focus and concentration. It unfolds intuition and insight, creating a new sense of clarity, inner peace, tranquility and great wisdom. Ajna Marma governs over our emotional center and stress levels and therefore gently stimulating this marma point will subtly treat these issues on a much deeper level.
The treatment of Picchu similarly involves placing the warm oil over the forehead. Instead of pouring the oil over the third eye point (as this requires a therapist, special table and tools), this method requires simply soaking a cloth into warm oil (ideally medicated) and placing it over the forehead while lying back comfortably. Although this method may not be quite as profound as its original counterpart, it is highly effective, affordable and bestows the same healing properties. Since the treatment of Shirodhara often recommends a series of applications in order create noticeable results (especially when treating more severe issues), this is often not an option for many individuals as one treatment is typically over $100 in cost. Picchu therefore gives us a great alternative therapy that is much more accessible, affordable and realistic for ongoing treatments.
Health Benefits of Picchu
- Calms and quiets the mind
- Improves sleep quality, treats insomnia
- Heals PTSD
- Heals emotional trauma
- Heals birth and past life trauma
- Treats emotional imbalances including excessive worry, anxiety, depression, hot temper, grief, fear, insecurity, etc
- Reduces stress levels and invokes a deep sense of relaxation
- Treats mental disorders
- Helps to heal addiction issues
- Reduces fatigue (both physical and mental)
- Alleviates headache and migraines
- Reduces pressure in the eyes
- Reduces pressure in the sinus cavity
- Stabilizes the mood
- Increases cerebral circulation (blood flow to the brain)
- Enhances clarity, intellect, focus and memory
- Unfolds deeper wisdom and insight
- Treats ADHD
- Alleviates most nervous system disorders
- Reduces Vata imbalance
- Removes mental ama (toxins in the mind)
Recommended Oils to Use for Picchu
For the most powerful and effective treatment, medicated oil or ghee should be used when applying Picchu. If this is not an option a base oil such as sesame oil can be used, although it will be beneficial to blend in some essential oils to increase the potency of the treatment. The best oil and essential oils to use will vary depending on your natural constitution (known as dosha type or Prakriti) and your current state of imbalance (known as Vikriti). Other factors will include the specific reason for the treatment (e.g. anxiety, headache, insomnia, etc) as well as season (rutu) and environment (desha) (e.g. cool, damp environment compared to a hot and dry).
Here are some general recommendations for oil options that you can choose from.
For Vata Dosha:
- Sesame oil (ideally with the addition of calming essential oils such as lavender, sage, tulsi or chamomile)
- Brahmi Oil
- Jatamansi Oil
- Ashwagandha Bala Oil
- Shankapushpi Oil
For Pitta Dosha:
- Coconut oil, sunflower oil or ghee (ideally with the addition of cooling essential oils such as sandalwood, lavender, rose or cilantro)
- Brahmi Oil
- Brahmi Ghee
- Jatamansi Oil
- Licorice Oil
- Licorice Ghee
For Kapha Dosha:
- Sunflower and sesame oil blend (ideally with the addition of stimulating essential oils such as rosemary, sweet orange, grapefruit and ginger)
- Vacha Oil
- Punarnava Oil
For Mental and Emotional Healing:
- Brahmi Oil
- Brahmi Ghee
- Ashwagandha Oil
- Jatamansi Oil
- Shankapushpi Oil
For Headaches and Migraines:
- Brahmi Oil
- Vacha Oil
- Sesame oil (for Vata and Kapha type headache) with tulsi, ginger and/or black pepper essential oil
- Coconut or sunflower oil (for Pitta type headache) with rose, sandalwood and/or vetiver essential oil
For Increasing Memory, Focus, Concentration and Intellect:
- Brahmi Oil
- Brahmi Ghee
- Jatamansi Oil
- Shankapushpi Oil
- Sesame oil (for Vata and Kapha types) with tulsi and/or rosemary essential oils
- Coconut or sunflower oil (for Pitta types) with peppermint and/or rose essential oils
Contraindications for Picchu
- Third trimester of pregnancy
- Menstruation
- Dizziness, fainting or nausea
- Any condition in which one cannot lie back comfortably for 30 minutes
How to Perform Picchu
- Washcloth (please use one that can get oily and eventually thrown away)
- 1 cup of oil (use the recommendations above to see which oil to use)
- Essential oil of choice (if applicable)
- Small sauce pan for heating the oil
- Rolled up towel to place behind the neck (please use one that can get oily)
- Old towel or sheet to place flat under the head and upper body (please use one that can get oily)
1. Before beginning preparation for Picchu it is recommended to gather all of the materials together and prepare a quiet, comfortable setting for you to lie back and relax in. Since it is likely that the oil may drip from the washcloth when applying, it is highly suggested to place an old sheet or towel down to lie on, especially around the area that the head will be.
2. Warm the oil or ghee in a small sauce pan. The ideal temperature should be about 98 degrees or slightly warmer. **Please make sure the oil is not overly hot before applying in order to avoid burning your fingers or forehead.
3. When the oil is at an ideal temperature place the washcloth into the warm oil, allowing the cloth to become completely immersed in the oil. To avoid making a mess, keep the oily washcloth in the pan and bring it to the chosen place that you will be applying the therapy.
4. With the oily washcloth beside you (still in the pan), lie back in the area that you will be applying the therapy. There should be an old towel on top of your pillow; this will likely become fairly oily during the treatment. Have a rolled up towel at hand to place behind your neck in order to allow your head to tip back a bit. This will help the oil drip backwards onto the scalp instead of the eyes.
5. Take the oily washcloth and squeeze out just enough oil to avoid making a mess. The cloth should be at a medium state of saturation in order to allow some oil to penetrate into the forehead.
6. Fold the washcloth lengthwise and place it over the forehead, making sure to avoid getting any oil into the eyes. Oil is likely going to drip, so please make sure you are well equipped to avoid staining any nice sheets, pillows, cloths, etc.
7. Lie back comfortably, close the eyes and allow the oil to slowly work its magic. The warm oil will be penetrating into multiple marma points of the forehead as it subtly brings you to a state of tranquility and peace.
8. Lie here for about 20-30 minutes. During this time, allow the mind to come into a quiet state of meditation. If thoughts arise, acknowledge them and then send them on their way. If the mind becomes restless it is recommended to take slow deep inhales and exhales; allow the mind to focus on this rhythmic breathing.
9. Once the allotted time is complete, place the oily cloth back in the original pan, wipe any residual oil from the forehead with an old cloth or towel and slowly come to a seated position. Take a few deep breaths here before standing up.
10. The therapy is now over. Keep this peaceful and tranquil state flowing throughout the remainder of your day. Avoid excessive electronics, tv, talking, socializing, working and exercising in order to allow the benefits of the therapy to continue to seep in.
11. The oily washcloth and remaining oil can be saved and reapplied if you plan to perform multiple treatments. You can save the oil and cloth in an airtight glass container and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. If the washcloth begins to dry out as you reuse, please add more oil as needed.
Additional Tips
- Make the most of your Picchu treatment by creating a peaceful, healing atmosphere in your room before applying the treatment. Dim the lights, light a candle, diffuse some essential oils and play some soft, peaceful music (I often will play the “healing sounds” station on Pandora).
- Make sure you have blankets handy to cover up and get cozy before the treatment begins. It is hard to relax if you are cold!
- For added potency, one can massage the ears, forehead and scalp with the warm oil before performing Picchu.
- By gently massaging a drop of essential oil on the third eye point of the forehead before applying the oily cloth will enhance the therapy. Please use an essential oil that is suitable for your dosha type or current imbalance (i.e. lavender can be used for anxiety, rosemary for a foggy mind and nutmeg for insomnia).
- For more severe or chronic imbalances, one should apply this therapy 1-3 times weekly for as long as needed.
- Picchu is a great addition to any Ayurvedic home cleanse such as a kitchari cleanse or a home panchakarma therapy.
- Picchu is a great compliment to our one-day-a-week kitchari fast program. See more details here!
- It is recommended to apply this therapy on a day that you are able to relax and eat a simple diet.
- If you are blessed with a loving partner, friend or family member whom is open to helping you in your treatment, it can become even more relaxing! They will just be needed to apply the oily washcloth after you have found a comfortable position and take it off once the 30 minutes have passed.
I read more on picchu after seeing this post and saw it had more applications. Can you place the oiled wash rag on the crown in a seated position as a home treatment? And can you use an oil medicated with female herbs on the lower abdomen to tonify? I’ve seen this recommended with a castor oil pack.
Hi Tara,
These are both very great questions! Yes, you can place the oil-infused rag on the crown of the head for a calming and effective treatment. Shirodhara is generally applied to the third eye center on the forehead, but there is a vital marma point on the crown of the head that can be stimulated and in turn create a very powerful treatment all of its own. I would suggest to try both variations and go with the one that works best for you.
As for the lower abdomen, you can also apply an appropriate medicated oil-infused rag to the lower abdomen to aid in female reproductive health as well. Similar to the castor oil pack, you can then apply a warm water bottle over the rag to allow greater penetration of the herbal oil. Regular use should produce positive results.
Thank you for writing in with your questions. Please let me know if any further questions come up!
Great read,
Can you do a blog on essential oils and your dosha type?
That would be helpful too!
Thank you
Hi Sherilyn,
Thank you for the great suggestion for a new blog topic! I am always curious to hear what people are interested in and I would be happy to add this topic to my list of upcoming articles.
Make sure you subscribe to my mailing list (located at the bottom of any page) so you will know when it comes out.
Thanks again for writing in!
Take it slow and be well:)
Namaste Danielle Trust you are well .I would like to know if I can do the Picchu therapy on my clients I haven’t studied Ayurveda,but have learnt a bit from my Reiki Master .Please advise , Thanking you
Hi Ashika,
Thank you for writing in with your question! This therapy is relatively noninvasive and should be safe for you to perform on your clients assuming you follow the instructions and contraindications.
The only factor I would be concerned with (since you have not studied Ayurveda) would be choosing the correct oil for your clients if you do not know their dosha type/imbalance/etc. If you feel confident in deciphering the best oil for each individual, then I do not see any other reason to avoid it.
Let me know if you have any further questions!
Many blessings,