During times of sickness, some of the first symptoms to arise are a dull appetite, mild nausea, and lack of hunger. This is because the Agni or digestive fire is... read more →
Dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the gut flora, is one of the main causes (and effects) of the multitude of digestive disorders. Although many different issues can result from this... read more →
In Ayurveda there are two main methods to establish balance, namely Shodhana (deep cleansing) and Shamana (gentle palliation). As useful and effective as Shodhana therapies can be, there are many... read more →
As healing as a cleanse may be when performed properly, it can become equally as harmful if the timing is simply not right. Ayurveda is a major advocate for seasonal... read more →
Detoxing the mind is true health, true freedom! In fact, mental toxins can be even more detrimental than physical toxins, as almost all diseases stem from a mental origin. These... read more →
Ayurvedic cleanses generally involve eating a mono-diet of kitchari while taking cleansing herbs and performing cleansing therapies. Although this is a common practice, there are many different methods of administering... read more →
Kitchari is an Ayurvedic staple generally made from yellow split mung (moong) dal and Basmati rice. This dish is the basis of most Ayurvedic cleanses, and in this context, is... read more →
With thousands of years of trial and error, Ayurveda is undoubtedly a leader in cleansing therapies. A few factors that I appreciate with Ayurvedic cleanses are the fact that you... read more →
Our liver is one of the most vital organs of the body, as it plays a key role in our digestion; regulates cholesterol and hormone levels; metabolizes fats, proteins, and... read more →
The infamous Kitchari Cleanse is an Ayurvedic must for the transitional seasons of spring and fall. But what if your lifestyle is a bit too hectic for performing a full-on... read more →