This is it! The fourth and final week of your Healthy Digestion Challenge. Of course, just because your challenge will be coming to an end, doesn’t mean that all of... read more →
Congratulations on making it to week three of your Healthy Digestion Challenge!! I am happy to say you are officially half way there. The recommendations for eliminating various food types... read more →
Welcome to week two of our Healthy Digestion Challenge! This week you will continue on with the recommendations from week one while bringing your focus to a few new challenges. ... read more →
According to Ayurveda, a healthy digestive fire (Agni) is the key to your entire health and well-being. Alternatively, the root cause of toxins and disease is improper digestion. I am... read more →
Annual detoxing can be a great way to reset your body and mind and keep your system running in optimal health. But just as cleansing can be healing for you,... read more →
The Kitchari cleanse is a very mild variation of the traditional “Pancha Karma” cleanse and can be safely performed at home with minimal guidance. This particular cleanse is suitable for... read more →
Toxins, also known as ama in Ayurveda, are one of the major causes of disorder, discomfort, and disease. Although everybody is susceptible to some level of toxins in their system,... read more →
Here is a deliciously cleansing tonic that is sure to ignite your digestion and get your blood pumping! This recipe is a perfect complement to any cleanse program such as... read more →
If you are familiar with Ayurveda you may have heard of the term Basti. Basti’s literal translation is “bladder”; however, the Basti therapy referred to in Ayurveda denotes the application... read more →
Spring is here and the concept of spring cleaning is in the air. This means cleaning out our homes, our cars, and of course our bodies and minds. Spring really... read more →