Pitta dosha is the biological energetic force that stems from the fire and water elements. It is hot, sharp, penetrating and spreading by nature and therefore any excess of this... read more →
Tikta Ghrita is translated as “bitter ghee” and it is precisely this, ghee infused with the most powerful bitter herbs that Ayurveda has to offer. Due to the extreme bitterness of this... read more →
Just because summer is approaching doesn’t mean that you have to say goodbye to your kitchari (whew!). In fact kitchari is such a balanced, nourishing meal that it is often... read more →
Summer is around the corner and Pitta dosha is sneaking its way in. If we are cautious and begin to apply cooling, Pitta-reducing diet and lifestyle practices early on, we... read more →
If you have not heard of chana dal before, it is the chick pea (garbanzo bean), split in half with the skin removed. This recipe blends chana dal along with... read more →
Moving onto Part 5 of this series, we find ourselves looking more in depth into a sleep disorder that is caused by increased Pitta (fire) in the system. Although most... read more →
Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphate are our bodies forms of energy and fuel. In times of dehydration, excessive heat, heavy sweating and intense exercise, our bodies... read more →
Pitta dosha is the biological energy that is manifested from the Fire and Water elements. As the governor of "fire," Pitta is considered the transformational factor in the body, whether... read more →
A dosha is a Sanskrit term that represents one of the main concepts behind traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is sometime referred to as a “bodily humor” in English, but even... read more →
As we get deeper into the heat of summer, it is more vital than ever to stay cool, hydrated, and keep Pitta, the fire element in the body, at bay.... read more →