Honey is considered amrita or healing nectar in the eyes of Ayurveda. With its long list of health benefits and unparalleled healing potential, honey has been used as both food... read more →
Black eyed peas are an amazing protein-packed addition to any healthy diet as they possess a wide range of plant-based nutrients and consequently a wealth of health benefits. Unfortunately there... read more →
The bitter taste is said to be cleansing, reducing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitical, and essential for our liver and digestive health. Since we tend to not get enough of the... read more →
Breakfast is an essential part of our morning routine as it is one of the main building blocks that lays the foundation for our day. A healthy breakfast should be... read more →
It is no surprise that ginger is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic spices considering its long list of health benefits, unique flavor, and vast array of uses. Although... read more →
With the New Year around the corner, I thought I would share the most powerful and effective herbs I have used with my clients trying to lose weight. With an... read more →
If you have not heard of chana dal before, it is the chick pea (garbanzo bean), split in half with the skin removed. This recipe blends chana dal along with... read more →
When it comes to killing off parasites in the system, Ayurveda is a leading medical science for treatment. Ayurveda has been treating parasitical infections for thousands of years and the... read more →
Kapala Bhati sometimes referred to as the “breath of fire” (although literally translated as “skull shining” breath), is known for just this- its ability to increase the Agni (digestion) in... read more →
Our 28 day journey is officially complete. However, after such an extreme process of cleansing and elimination, you must now take time to slowly incorporate in the foods you have... read more →