Ghee, sometimes referred to as clarified butter, is an Ayurvedic staple in any kitchen. It is commonly used in cooking as a healthy alternative to oil or butter and added... read more →
According to Ayurvedic medicine, there are three main types of digestive imbalances, each one relating to a specific doshic imbalance. Since the digestive fire (known as Agni) is the ruler... read more →
One of the great aspects of Ayurveda is its long list of tools available to heal the body and mind. Although diet and herbs are essential factors in any healing... read more →
One of the most essential bits of information taken during any Ayurvedic consultation is the precise details of an individual’s bowel (aka pooping) habits. This is because your elimination is... read more →
With only a few days until the Autumn equinox, there is no question that fall is in the air. The days are still warm, but the leaves are beginning to... read more →
Eating for your personal needs may begin with eating for your dosha type, but it doesn’t end there. Eating a diet that fits the needs of the season is equally... read more →
With the vast amount of wisdom that makes up Ayurvedic medicine, it is not too surprising that there are multiple guidelines when it comes to the “when”, “how” and “how... read more →
One of the most important concepts of Ayurveda is that of the Agni, or digestive fire, in the body. It is believed that in order to achieve optimal health, one... read more →
In Ayurvedic medicine, it is well known that your diet has the power to bring you to a state of perfect health (Svastha) or alternatively, discomfort and dis-ease. Eating for... read more →
Although it can be helpful to know your dosha-type and consequently follow a dosha-appropriate diet, this is not always a surefire way to find balance. In fact, more often than... read more →