Just as it is essential to have a consistent and healthy routine for the daytime (known as Dinacharya in Ayurveda), it is equally as essential for you to have a... read more →
The Kitchari cleanse is a very mild variation of the traditional “Pancha Karma” cleanse and can be safely performed at home with minimal guidance. This particular cleanse is suitable for... read more →
Toxins, also known as ama in Ayurveda, are one of the major causes of disorder, discomfort, and disease. Although everybody is susceptible to some level of toxins in their system,... read more →
Ayurveda is an age-old science based on traditional holistic medicine from India. With more individuals seeking out natural treatment options, Ayurveda is slowly making its way into our mainstream society... read more →
If you are familiar with Ayurveda you may have heard of the term Basti. Basti’s literal translation is “bladder”; however, the Basti therapy referred to in Ayurveda denotes the application... read more →
Ojas is the biological energy that represents the subtlest form of Kapha dosha and the water element of the body. This vital essence plays a direct role in our energy,... read more →
Spring is here and the concept of spring cleaning is in the air. This means cleaning out our homes, our cars, and of course our bodies and minds. Spring really... read more →
Before I start this post today, I invite you to close your eyes and take ten deep, long breaths down into your belly. This is a great start to reestablishing... read more →
They say we are what we eat, but this statement goes beyond the context of our physical health and body. The food choices we make are intimately connected with the... read more →
Cleanses are a great way to reset your system and pave the way for making better health choices to come. Long-term detox programs often initially bring lowered energy levels and... read more →