Ask Ayurveda:
“I am a 34 year old female from the Mid-West. Since reading your “Ayurvedic Tongue Analysis” article, I have been examining my tongue each morning. I seem to have a thick, white coating on my tongue which gets worse in the back area (although it is partially coated all over). According to the article, the coating is due to toxins in my body. I am happy to have discovered this, but now I am left confused since I do not know how to get rid of the coating and these toxins. If it helps, I am 5’4, 145 pounds and have been told I am a Pitta–Kapha body type. My energy is fairly low at this time and I tend to gain weight easily. I typically feel very sleepy after a meal and crave sweets often. Please help me Ayurveda!” Toxic Tongue
Dear Toxic Tongue:
I am so happy that you have written in with this question, as this is an incredibly common issue for so many people. You are correct that the coating on your tongue is an indication that there is a build-up of toxins in your body. Since the coating is the thickest at the back of the tongue, we can assume that the toxins are mainly in the colon. However, since there is a thin coating that covers the entire tongue, this shows us that some toxins have made their way to the circulation as well. Since the coating is a whitish color, the toxins likely are from a Kapha imbalance.
Ayurveda states that the root cause of toxins (ama) in the body comes from a low or imbalanced digestive fire (Agni). This can be confirmed further by the fact that you are feeling sleepy after meals and tend to gain weight easily, which are a couple of the main indicators of a “slow fire” or Manda Agni. Since the digestion is weak, this leads to undigested food being left in the system, which then leads to toxic accumulation.
If the cause of the toxins is a slow digestive fire, then we must begin a regimen geared toward increasing digestion, while “burning” toxins. There are many ways to go about this, and each individual will need a different protocol, depending on their constitution, their unique needs, the current season, etc. So for the sake of this general article, I will give you some simple, safe, and gentle approaches that will work for your Pitta–Kapha constitution, as well as most other body-types.
1. Scrape the tongue first thing each morning.
Scraping the tongue each morning is an essential practice, especially when there is a coating on the tongue. This coating is made of toxins that have accumulated throughout the night. If you do not scrape them off first thing each morning, you will reabsorb the toxins back into the system. For the Kapha toxins that you are experiencing, I would suggest using a copper tongue scraper for the best results.
Purchase my Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper here.
Purchase my 100% Copper Tongue Scraper here.
2. Start the day with an 8-ounce cup of hot water.
Beginning each morning with a cup of hot water is a great way to increase your digestion and flush toxins from your system. Feel free to add some fresh lemon juice for an added detox boost!
Read more on why to start your day with hot water here.
3. Keep the diet simple, with warm and well-cooked foods.
Keep the diet simple by eating mostly home-cooked meals and using whole-food ingredients. Avoid all processed foods, artificial ingredients, preservatives, dyes, and other additives. Eat warm, well-cooked meals while avoiding raw food, cold food, and improper food combinations. A few great recipes to use during this time include Classic Cleansing Kitchari, Tridoshic Red Lentil Dal, Bone Broth Soup, Tridoshic Quinoa and Veggie Stir-Fry and Kapha-Reducing Kitchari.
4. Spice your meals.
Each meal should contain an adequate amount of detoxifying, digestive-enhancing spices such as ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, cumin, coriander, fennel, and fenugreek. If you do not prefer these spices in your meals, an herbal honey infusion is a tasty way to get your spices in before the meal and increase your digestion and metabolism.
Try my Agni Churna spice blend!
Try my Ayurvedic Breakfast Spices!
5. Take a digestive appetizer before meals.
Since there are many indications that you are experiencing weak digestion, it will be essential to rev up your fire to help digest new food coming and assist in flushing out the toxins that have already accumulated. One of the most common ways to get the digestive juices flowing is to begin each meal with a digestive-enhancing supplement.
You can try our DIY ginger, honey, and lime digestive appetizer. Whichever you choose, make sure to be consistent and take it before every meal (and maybe a bit extra before big meals!)
Try my deliciously spicy Agni Elixir (made with fresh pressed ginger and lemon juice)!
6. Avoid heavy foods such as dairy, meat, white sugar, and gluten.
These foods are all heavy and hard on digestion, especially when it is already weak. Eating these foods on a regular basis will continue the pattern of diminishing digestion and increasing toxins. Therefore, until the digestion is strong and the tongue is clear, these foods should be avoided completely or greatly reduced.
7. Take a 10 to 15-minute walk after meals.
Walking has innumerable health benefits, and taking a short walk after a meal is a great way to get the digestive juices flowing. Making it a regular habit to walk 10 to 15 minutes after meals will improve your digestion and speed up your metabolism. As an added bonus, it will help to ward off the sleepiness you feel after food and increase your overall energy.
8. Drink a cleansing tea between meals.
Drinking a cleansing herbal tea throughout the day is a great complement to any detoxification program. You can make a strong cup of ginger tea or CCF tea. Drink at least 1 to 2 cups daily between meals and remember consistency is essential!
9. Take Triphala Churna before bed each night.
Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic formula used for cleansing the GI tract, liver, and blood on a daily basis. Taking a ½ teaspoon each night before bed in warm water will promote healthy elimination in the morning and flush out any stagnant toxins that have accumulated in the night.
Click here to read more about Triphala Churna.
Purchase my handcrafted, organic Triphala Churna here!
10. Perform a Kitchari Cleanse.
Kitchari is the classic, cleansing Ayurvedic dish commonly used during times of detoxification. Taking a mono-diet of this meal for up to a week is an incredibly powerful way to give the digestion a rest, and flush toxins from the system. This cleanse is typically done either 3, 5, or 7 days in a row, but can also be used as a 1 day-a-week routine (e.g. every Sunday) for a gentler, long-term cleansing regimen.
Read more on “How to Perform a Kitchari Cleanse”.
So Toxic Tongue, here are some great recommendations for you to begin a gentle daily detoxification program. Please note that if the toxins are chronic or long-standing, the treatment plan may take a while; but do not get discouraged! Stick to these healthy practices and you will notice the coating getting thinner and thinner by the week. One day you may wake up and have nothing to scrape off of the tongue at all! As the coating begins to wane, the energy should increase and the cravings should subside.
Please contact me if you have any further questions, especially if you are planning to do the Kitchari Cleanse. I wish you strength, willpower, and courage during this time of change and taking control of your health.
Ask Ayurveda
Continue Reading
Ayurvedic Tongue Analysis: What does your tongue say about your health?
Tongue Scraping: The Many Benefits of an Ancient Practice
Ask Ayurveda: Tongue Scraping VS Tongue Brushing: Is there a difference?
I love what you guys are up too. This type of clever work and
reporting! Keep up the excellent works guys
I’ve incorporated you guys to our blogroll.
Thanks for the kind words! I am happy to hear you are enjoying the Blog, and greatly appreciate you sharing the love! Love and light to you! Namaste, Danielle
Great article as always, Danielle. I’ve been trying to apply Ayurvedic principles to my life over the last few years as I deal with chronic illness, but sometimes it’s hard to keep motivated. Ayurveda is not the “trendy” health movement and can be so different to the majority of health information / blogs / Instagram out there. Reading your beautiful articles always inspires me and refocuses me on the wonders of Ayurveda. Thank you!
Hi, i just finished my 9 day panchakarma(3 days int. Oleation 3x external, and 3 days basti) and i have been noticing this thick white coating from back to front on my tongue for over a week now. Shouldn’t it be gone if it has something to do with toxins in my system?
Hi Ramona,
Thanks for writing in! Yes, after a cleanse, an individual’s white coating should be gone or at least much lighter than before you began the cleanse. If this is not the case, the cleanse may not have been as thorough as needed or the proper therapies may not have been performed. It is hard to say what the issue is without knowing your full story.
Since there is still a decent amount of Ama (toxins) left in your system, it may be helpful to continue the cleansing process by taking cleansing herbs and herbal teas while eating a mild, healthy, suitable, easy-to-digest diet until the coating is reduced. If this still does not help, it would be best to see an Ayurvedic practitioner for more individualized guidance.
I hope this helps!
Take it slow and be well:)
I am so happy I’ve found your website!! Such amazingly accurate descriptions that have made perfect sense with my tongue type coinciding with my body type, personality and problems that I specifically face. Ayurveda is magnificent. Thank you for compiling this blog, and I shall be a regular reader 🙂
What does it mean if u have a white coating, raised taste buds and 5or6 lines going all directions almost in the middle of ur tongue but mostly further to the front So u just don’t answer guestions because no I did not say this before Have never been on ur website
Hi Debra,
The white coating is indicating toxins in the system. The raised taste buds could be nothing or they can be a sign of chronic inflammation in the body. The lines at the front of the tongue indicate stress being held in the mid to upper back, although I would have to see the lines to evaluate in a more detailed manner. Hope this helps!
Namaste, Danielle
very useful and excellent article. I like your way of response.
Hi Danielle !
I have a thick white coating every morning and also throughout the day … My villi are also blunted so i am possibly gluten intolerant….i hv tried most of your tips but mine seems to be a chronic one, i also have trouble with my motions, have to go atleast thrice a day, and have lots of gases if motion is not cleared, ….pls advise, i m male 36
Hi Rahul,
It sounds like you may need a full detox program to flush the toxins from the system. You can try a mono-diet kitchari cleanse, perform a home Panchakarma therapy, or find a suitable Panchakarma center to attend.
Due to the severity of your issue, there is also a chance you may be suffering from Candida overgrowth. You can read about the proper diet, lifestyle and herbal regimen to treat this condition here.
Whatever the case, it will likely take a fairly powerful treatment process and patience. I ultimately suggest finding an Ayurvedic practitioner that can perform a full intake on your healthcare concerns and provide much more individualized guidance for you.
Hi Danielle,
This is Rahul. Thanks a lot got your comments.
I did meet a famous ayurvedic practitioner, he diagonesed me for PittaVrut Vata, gave medicines for 3 months, told to perform a seven day Tiktasheer Basti pachkarma after 21 days…..i did all this…..but did not continue my medication after Panchakarma because i did not feel even 1% better…..still having 3+ bowel movements, still thick coating on tongue…..always gas in bottom part of body…mainly in colon, although i never have stomach cramps and heartburn….my problem is surely with my Gut/colon….small or large intestine or may be both, i know tht…my tongue is giving me hints with this thick coating….but i really dont know wht to do….may be i will try for some candida treatments as you said if tht is the cause….waiting for your comments…
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I have red inflamed tongue especially on the sides with white coating.
To me it looks like Sama pitta condition but what does the white coating mean ?
As per the theory in sama pitta condition my tongue should have yellow coating but I’m having white coating.
Hi Jaideep,
Thank you for your great question! As you are experiencing, what we experience in real life does not always fit into the nice, neat books that we read from. Although this information is extremely helpful as a basis on how to interpret and treat our health conditions, it is simply a guide and we must always look at the actual picture in the end.
The red inflammation on the sides of your tongue do indeed denote high Pitta, and more specifically excessive heat (pitta) in the plasma/blood. The coating is definitely a sign of toxins in the GI tract and likely stemming from poor digestion. Although Pitta seems to be high, it may not be the main culprit behind the toxins. White is the general color of toxins (ama) or can also be linked to Kapha toxins (Sama Kapha). In order to decipher where the toxins are coming from, more investigation would be needed to see what was most probable in your situation. Once you break down all of the factors, you can work to cleanse out the toxins without provoking heat (Pitta), and while treating any other dosha that may be involved if applicable.
I hope this helps Jaideep!
I have a white coating on my tongue, it looks the same as the picture shown in the article. This article seems good, collecting all the information but if you can help me with some advice, it would be great.
Hi Rahul,
Thank you for writing in! I would definitely begin with the advice given in the article, although it is always best to start with only a couple changes at a time to avoid burn out.
Simple practices such as the tongue scraping and hot water in the morning can be a great start, but will likely not be enough for the overall picture. I would definitely recommend to look at the diet and the digestion if you want to make real changes. It may be nice to perform a kitchari cleanse to reset the system, and follow with a healthy, easy-to-digest diet after.
Along with the Triphala, you may benefit from taking an Ayurvedic detox blend such as our Daily Detox Formula. This can be taken three times daily, before meals. If this formula is not available to you, a similar one may be sufficient as well.
To go even deeper, you would need to look at the direct cause of the coating. It may be food allergies or food intolerances, it may be parasites, it may be an issue with dysbiosis (such as SIBO or Candida). If there are any underlying conditions, it will be essential to treat these while also performing the recommended practices above.
Many blessings!
Thanks Danielle for your response.
Here are the pictures of my tongue:
So based on your description I do have sama kapha but what about the pitta? Is it sama pitta or nirama pitta?
Hi Jaideep,
Thank you for sharing your picture and question!
To decipher if the coating on your tongue is related to a Kapha or Pitta imbalance, it may be best to investigate your current symptoms of imbalance. The coating seems more white in the picture, but there may be some excessive heat in the blood/plasma as the perimeter seems to be reddish.
I would see if the ama is coming from excessive heat/inflammation in the system, or if it seems to be coming from a slow, sluggish digestive fire, congestion, or general heaviness. This may be a better indicator. If there are factors from both doshas, the toxins may be from a dual-doshic imbalance, and then you would want to treat both doshas as needed.
I hope this helps!