Tikta Ghrita is translated as “bitter ghee” and it is precisely this, ghee infused with the most powerful bitter herbs that Ayurveda has to offer. Due to the extreme bitterness of this... read more →
As you go through life in search of better health and wellbeing, it is easy to become solely focused on the state of your physical body. Although there is no doubt... read more →
With this week’s health topic being all about saffron, I thought it was a great time to share one of my favorite saffron recipes! Laddus are traditional Indian cookies that... read more →
With an expensive cost, but a truly unique and powerful action, Saffron is undoubtably one of Ayurveda’s most prized herbal treasures. Saffron is said to possess a Sattvic (pure) quality... read more →
Just because summer is approaching doesn’t mean that you have to say goodbye to your kitchari (whew!). In fact kitchari is such a balanced, nourishing meal that it is often... read more →
Although we are considered a sex-driven society, it seems almost an oxymoron to think that one of the most common issues I see on a regular basis is sexual dysfunction. ... read more →
Summer is around the corner and Pitta dosha is sneaking its way in. If we are cautious and begin to apply cooling, Pitta-reducing diet and lifestyle practices early on, we... read more →
Triphala is a well-known herbal formula commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is a traditional blend consisting of the three Indian fruits, Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. It is tri-doshic by... read more →
I am always looking for new ways to incorporate kefir into my daily diet and although these food experiments can sometimes be hit or miss, this particular kefir drink recipe... read more →
Honey is considered amrita or healing nectar in the eyes of Ayurveda. With its long list of health benefits and unparalleled healing potential, honey has been used as both food... read more →