Winter squash season is in full bloom! This dish incorporates the almighty butternut squash, while sneaking in a bit of coconut to enhance the flavor and healing properties. This soup... read more →
During the fall and winter months I can never find enough ways to get my sweet potato fix. Here is a simple, delicious, and versatile recipe that is nourishing for... read more →
Ojas is the biological energy that is responsible for your energy, vitality, longevity, immunity, softness, and glow. During the fall and winter seasons, Vata tends to increase, depleting Ojas in... read more →
Another Ayurvedic favorite of mine! This nourishing and grounding drink is a lovely way to end the day. Golden milk is great for calming Vata dosha, which has a tendency... read more →
As we get deeper into the heat of summer, it is more vital than ever to stay cool, hydrated, and keep Pitta, the fire element in the body, at bay.... read more →
This healthy dish is a great complement to any meal and can even be eaten as an entire meal on its own. Kale is rich in vitamins A, C, and... read more →
Kitchari is an age old, traditional dish that is not only a staple for Indian meals, but is also a staple for any Ayurvedic cleanse. This versatile, Eastern dish is... read more →
Ghee is greatly revered in the eyes of Ayurveda and has been used for thousands of years. It is seen as highly medicinal in its actions and can be taken... read more →