Kutaja is a powerful herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to alleviate diarrhea and dysentery (in fact, its Latin name is "Holarrhena Antidysenterica".) Kutaja is used to regulate the bowels and... read more →
Cleanses are a great way to reset your system and pave the way for making better health choices to come. Long-term detox programs often initially bring lowered energy levels and... read more →
Kitchari is an Indian dish that is traditionally made up of split mung beans, basmati rice, veggies, spices, and ghee. By modifying this basic recipe and including some of the... read more →
Tikta Ghrita is translated as “bitter ghee” and it is precisely this, ghee infused with the most powerful bitter herbs that Ayurveda has to offer. Due to the extreme bitterness of this... read more →
Just because summer is approaching doesn’t mean that you have to say goodbye to your kitchari (whew!). In fact kitchari is such a balanced, nourishing meal that it is often... read more →
The bitter taste is said to be cleansing, reducing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitical, and essential for our liver and digestive health. Since we tend to not get enough of the... read more →
Shirodhara is the Ayurvedic treatment that involves pouring a steady stream of warm oil over the center point of the forehead (the "third eye" center). It is a powerful and... read more →
Spring is beginning to blossom as winter comes to an end. Kapha dosha is officially at its climax with colds, cough, congestion, and seasonal allergies becoming more and more prevalent... read more →
It is no surprise that ginger is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic spices considering its long list of health benefits, unique flavor, and vast array of uses. Although... read more →
Ayurveda is an incomparable leader in detoxification. This age-old science not only holds a strong focus on effective cleansing therapies, but provides the proper knowledge and instruction for performing these... read more →